


The data set was obtained from amultidisciplinary practice that treats a wide variety of neuroatypical childrenand adolescent refractory patients. This study investigated 140 nonepilepticsubjects diagnosed with ASD, aged 4 to 25 years. Visual inspection of the EEGwas performed to search for paroxysmal, focal, or lateralizing patterns.


Of the 140 subjects, the EEG dataidentified 36% with isolated epileptiform discharges. The χ 2 analysis found nosignificant difference between genders among the three age groups. Findingsindicated a high prevalence of isolated epileptiform discharges amongindividuals with ASD.

Conclusions:ASD have isolatedepileptiform discharges despite never having a seizure. Our findings supportthe use of EEG in children, adolescents, and young adults with ASD, regardlessof gender or age. This is particularly true for those who exhibit aggressivebehaviors or those who have failed previous medication attempts withstimulants, antidepressants, and/or antipsychotics.